
Our collaborators

03 Working
for our collaborators

Paquet durable

Preserving health and guaranteeing safety
Harness at work

Improving the quality of life at work
Quality of life at work

Develop skills

Results and performance indicators:

Frequency rate*
of lost time accidents

44.1 in 2022
Evolution: -2%
Objective ≤ 37

Severity rate** of lost-time accidents

4.21 in 2022
Evolution: -23%
Objective: ≤ 3.5

Number of actions performed

47 in 2022
Evolution: +2
Objective: 40

Training hours per employee

8.4 in 2022
Evolution: +50%
Objective: 7

% of employees trained during the year

57% in 2022
Evolution: +7 pts
Objective: 25%

The health and safety of its employees is a priority issue for the Group. In an industrial sector where risks relating to the health and safety of employees are significant (work accidents, fires, etc.), the Group strives to offer healthy and safe working conditions to its employees.

We raise awareness and train our employees about workplace risks. We monitor our performance on a regular basis and analyze workplace accidents in order to implement effective and sustainable prevention.

We develop the skills of our employees, which supports employment, integration, employability as well as their performance and commitment within the company.

*Frequency rate = number of accidents with lost time x 1,000,000 / Number of hours worked
**Severity rate = Number of days off work x 1000 / Number of hours worked